Quickly calling from Uruguay back to the family in the United States, little man tells me about a run-in he had with the potty.
It’s not often that the word and color blue cause such an array of reactions, unless you hear your daughter suddenly demanding your presence.
Children’s perceptions of animals can be different. Getting ready for the day, Sophie quizzed lil’ Domino about the various animals at the base of his lamp.
Piles of fresh snow and stillness grab my attention, briefly. The only elements that continually hold my attention were a rosy-cheeked girl making snow angels and her silly momma throwing horribly shaped snowballs in my direction.
The best souvenirs come in many forms. Our perfect Thai souvenir arrived from the N.T.S.D.I.B.A. (National Thailand Stork Delivery of International Babies Association).
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