The Mickelson Trail is a former railroad track converted to a trail system. And it also served as a quick University of Tulsa reunion.
Like salt in the sea, camels roam the desert. An unprecedented pandemic presented an unexpected opportunity. It’s allowed me to fully reengage my love of sport and cycle Qatar.
The Roman writer, Pliny the Elder, passed by Qatar and called the inhabitants Catharrei. I can only imagine he also recognized the cycling opportunity across this super flat and arid desert and would have called it Qatar Quest.
The Pink Elephant in the Cafe Our final day of group riding was also our shortest. From the sparsely population of Chimay
Our peloton of novice bike riders hit the pavement towards the Hainaut province town of Mariembourg on our way to Chimay, the last big day of cycling.
Day number five of our trip across southern Belgium to Rochefort would provide the ying to my yang. This would be the antithesis of the first day from Bomal to La Chouffe.
As quickly as we touched down in Bomal, extolling the qualities of Bressene and Orval, time and distance mandated we cycle on. Cycling Belgium preparations
Some men buy expensive sports cars. Others find a younger woman. I traveled to Iceland. My midlife crisis consisted of wearing really tight cycling