Just light Sunday morning conversation between a 4 year old and his parents. As Domino talked with Mom and I in the living room. “Daddy and Dominic both start with ‘D’, that’s alliteration”. Huh?
John White
John White
World Traveller, Father, Husband, Coach, Spanish & French Teacher, Polyglot, Funny as all get out
What’s to drink? Today at school, Ms. Nicky interviewed Domino. “What would you do if you were thirsty?”
Just as Classy as the Super Bowl Shuffle, Jim McMahon and Friends Head to the Cayman Islands Instead parting knowledge specific to…
Cayman IslandsNorth America / Caribbean
Cayman Postal Service – Just a Duty Waiting to Happen
by John Whiteby John WhiteIn preparation for a student service/adrenaline trip to Costa Rica, our educational tour company sent t-shirts, journals, and luggage tags for all…
Cayman IslandsNorth America / Caribbean
Inky the Blue Iguana and Clucky the Chicken
by John Whiteby John WhiteWhere Iguanas and Chickens Roam Free If you visit the Cayman Islands and don’t see a chicken or iguana, you either have…
Cayman International School is a small school. During the 2013-14 academic year, only 500 students attended CIS. That figure includes all the…
As our beautiful daughter learns to read and write phonetically, she occasionally leaves notes for her parents, especially about yogrit.
Snow Days Teachers and students alike look forward to them. Even pray for them at times. Never did I count on having…